



==August 11==

The Quills Banquet was last night. To give more people a chance to get an award, each writer could only submit two works per category. It was great to see how many different authors won awards.

I was fortunate to receive three. An honorable mention for unpublished haiku (untitled), a notable read award for a poem I published last year (Never the Netherwood) and a Gold Quill award for Nonfiction (The Ted Bundy Files: A 1976 Companion).

The book is a compilation of documents, interviews, and tests that my father collected on Ted Bundy. I am the editor and received the award as my father passed away in 2018.

==July 28==

June and July have been really busy. I'm finally editing a novella I hope to finish in the next month. Then I'll set it aside and work on editing a novel that's been waiting for far too long.

I'm also helping my daughter with a novella of her own. Once she gets that done, I'm going to help her publish it. :)

I already have my NaNo project decided for this year. It'll be a sequel to a Cozy Mystery I wrote three years ago. (Which means, I'll probably edit that one next so I'm ready to write the sequel...)

My poem, "Midnight Musings" is now out in Write Where You Belong. I'm pleased with it. Now I just need to submit a bunch of poems to different places. I've been lax with my poetry of late. This is my official announcement that I have to get off my duff and start writing poetry again. :)

==May 13==

     My poem, "Midnight Musings" has been accepted in the LUW anthology, "Write Where You Are." It'll be published in July or August of this year. I wrote the poem specifically for the anthology and am tickled it was accepted.

     I need to submit more. I have one poem and one story out, and they'll probably both be rejected. I also just submitted some poetry and stories to the League of Utah Writers annual writing contests. (fingers crossed). I submitted fewer entries than last year but entered more categories. I never know what will resonate with the judges, but I hope to get an award or two.

==May 2==

     Well, I didn't manage to write 30 poems in April. I wrote 15, though, which is better than I've done in a while. Most were haiku, but I did manage a couple of longer poems. I'm still editing those.


     It's out! "Lost Between Light & Shadow: A Collection of Dark Poetry" is available on Amazon and Ingram Spark. It wasn't supposed to be released until the 30th, but when we made some edits and uploaded the changes, Amazon decided that, even though we were within the window to make the edits, it was going to publish the book right away. But, better three days early than ten days late, as happened to a friend of mine.

     This is the first collection I've edited, and I think it tured out pretty well. :) There are some wonderful poems by amazing poets and I'm grateful they chose to support me by submitting their work!

     I submitted poems to two magazines in January. One rejected all my poems. The other accepted one. I'm so happy about that. The poetry editor is awesome! Now I need to write more!



Utah's Best Poetry and Prose 2024 (Anthology from the League of Utah Writers)

     "Cosmic Concerto" (story)

     "Here and Not Here" (poem)

     "Star Cycle" (poem)

Lost Between Light & Shadow: A Collection of Dark Poetry (Carlisle Legacy Books, LLC)

     "Aftermath" (poem)

     "Devolving to Grayscale" (poem)

     "Godless Society" (poem)

Space and Time Magazine #146

     "Never the Netherwood" (poem)

Ghost Town (the Infinite Monkeys chapter of the League of Utah Writers)

     "Caveat Emptor" (flash fiction)

     "Haunting Season" (poem)

Write Where You Belong (League of Utah Writers)

     "Midnight Musings" (poem)

This Isn't the Place: A Collection of Utah Horror (Timber Ghost Press)

     "The Ghost of Christmas Presents"                (story)


Fantasy Magazine (April 2023)

     "The Frumious Jubjub" (poem)

Kindred Spirits (Anthology by the Infinite Monkeys chapter of the League of Utah Writers (April 2023)

     "Those Who Haunt the Night" (poem)

Utah's Best Poetry and Prose 2023 (Anthology from the League of Utah Writers)

     "Monster-ish Trees" (poem)

Strange Horizons Magazine (July 3, 2023)

     "The Legacy of Granny Van Helsing"                (poem)

Project Salamander (a round robin novel)

Along Harrowed Trails (Western Horror Anthology from Timber Ghost Press) (July 2023)

     "Home-Grown Resistance" (short story)

We Are Dangerous (League of Utah Writers)

     "Eye of the Beholder" (poem)

The Big Book of Things thtGo Bump in the Night (Timber Ghost Press)

     "Ghostly Games" (poem)

     "The Library's Raining" (poem)