Charlie's Blog


Tuesday, January 1, 2019 1:02 AM

Welcome to the home page of C. H. Lindsay!

I am a writer and poet. So far, I've written mostly short stories and poems, but I'm working on my first two novels.

Pardon my dust as this is a work in progress. :)

I'm preparing to purchase a new computer, which means that the program I've been using for years to do my webpage will no longer work. So, I'm starting over with a new program, and a new site. There will be some growing pains. There always are.

I will endeavor to share my writing journey here.

Recap of 2018: I had three stories come out in three anthologies. (Yay!) I submitted several stories and got rejected. (Not so yay, but it happens). And in November, I sold a short story and two poems to an anthology (another yay).

I spent ten years acting in community theatre, mostly musicals. I was cast 1/4 of the time, which is really good for a female as you generally get four times more females at auditions than you have parts. So, I figure if I can sell 1/4 of my stories and poems, I'm doing well. :)