Charlie's Blog

Starting Fresh

Wednesday, January 2, 2019 4:27 AM

     It's been a difficult year. My father died and I became his literary trustee and executor without having a clue what that entailed. I miss my Dad. I have so many questions for him. Not just about his writing, but I would often call him just to talk. I miss that.

     I lost a good friend, too. And my heart aches for her lifemate.

     I've also had every story I submitted to a magazine or anthology rejected. It happens.

     But, like all things, this, too must pass. I wrote 50,000 words for NaNo, which got me half-way through the first draft of a new novel. And then, this past week, I was informed that my story "Ghost Cave" and two poems have been accepted into the Utah Chapter of the HWA's anthology, "Peaks of Madness."

     Now, to finish the first draft of my novel, the second draft of another novel, and polish a short story  and submit it somewhere by the end of the year. Well, at least the short story. The other two will take a bit longer. :)