Charlie's Blog

Remembering Dad

Monday, February 11, 2019 12:55 AM

     Today, February 11, is my Dad's birthday. He would have been 82, although he looked and acted much younger. He passed away just over 8 months ago, and I still have days when I really miss him. Like today.

     I was blessed to have talked with him the night before he passed away. We as a family were blessed that he was at my brother's house and not alone, or driving when he had his heart attack. He drove a lot for his work.

     It's been really hard this year because of the Ted Bundy anniversary. Dad performed the 90-day psychological assessment of Bundy in the Utah State Prison in 1976--and wrote a book about it in 2017. He was interviewed for several podcasts and the Netflix' "Bundy Tapes" series. I wish I could talk to him about all the media and get his input. He had several other podcasts lined up when he died, and his insight is sorely missed. He was fascinated with what made good people do bad things, and the choices they made in their lives. He helped me understand people.

     I've always been Daddy's girl, and today, I miss him. I will be forever grateful for who he was, what he taught me, and the legacy he leaves behind. He was a light for so many people. And for me, he always will be.