Charlie's Blog

NaNo 2019

Sunday, September 29, 2019 1:39 AM

     "Lockdown" is ready to submit to the 2020 UHWA Anthology, "They Walk Among Us." I asked a friend to go over it and give me feedback. Deadline is October 31. We'll see if my story gets selected. I'm still tweaking a couple of poems that I'd like to submit.

     Home remodeling projects, stress, and lack of sleep have slowed me down, but I'm still writing something most days, even if it's not one of my projects. I still hope to have draft 2 of "Mel's Magic" done this month, and hopefully the last part of "Circle of Six."

     I'm doing NaNoWriMo again this year. My project will be "Ceridwen's Chorus." Like "Circle of Six," it started out as a short story, but it's really a novel. We'll see how it goes in November.

     Do you do NaNo? It's a great way to plow through a writing project. Yes, there will be rewrites, and lots of typos, but you get 50,000 words written in a month, and there are a lot of writers who are doing it with you, so the support is great!

     Update: I ended up writing the second half of “Circle of Six” for NaNo. First draft is about 105,000 words.