Charlie's Blog

Update for 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020 1:49 AM

I'm working on a rewrite of "Ceridwen's Chorus" for possible submission to an anthology this year.

My poem, "Semper Fi: The Marine Wife," has been accepted for publication in this year's LUW Anthology, due out in August.

I also plan on putting out a small chapbook with two completed stories, one new story, and one or two of my dad's stories.

I've done no editing on any of my novels, but thanks to NaNo, "The Circle of Six" is over 100,000 words. That'll give me plenty of room to rewrite.

I'm going to submit to three anthologies this year for sure, maybe more. I have a friend with a goal to sell one story a month for the year. I'm not up to that yet, but if I can get three or four, I'll be stoked!

So, here's to a good writing year in 2020!

NaPoWriMo is coming up! You only have to write one poem a day for the month of April. Join us in celebrating poetry!

Want to see where I'm published? Look under my bio page!