Charlie's Blog

Holidays and Family

Sunday, May 30, 2021 8:58 PM

My family has a thing for holidays and noteworthy days. I was born on the Ides of March. My mother went into labor with my oldest brother on Labor Day. She went into labor with my second brother on Mother’s Day.  My youngest brother was born on Thanksgiving. None of my kids were born on holidays, but my daughter-in-law went into labor on New Year’s Day. 

When Mom passed away, she was in a care facility for Alzheimer’s patients. Dad got the call while the rest of us were having Thanksgiving dinner. My dad said that she always loved family gatherings and this way she could be with us in spirit. Her viewing was on my paternal grandfather’s birthday and she was buried on her mother’s birthday.

My father passed away shortly after midnight the day after Memorial Day. Yesterday was the third anniversary of his passing. I still miss him. I don’t expect that to change, but I dwell more on what we shared than what I lost.

Holidays always remind me of family. I haven’t had a family gathering with my brothers since 2019 because of COVID, but I still think of them and I occasionally talk to them on the phone. When we do get together, I still think of Dad. I love my mother, but I’ve always been a daddy’s girl. I’d seek him out at family gatherings and we’d talk about family history, writing, and books. He had a great sense of humor. 

I wish I could pick up the phone and call him, sometimes to ask a question about family history, sometimes to talk about something going on. I’d often ask for his opinion or advice. Even a year-and-a-half after I took over the publication of his books, I wish I could ask him questions. He had such wonderful insight, and he always saw something good in everyone. He taught me how important it was to be kind and to help people. I still aspire to be more like him. He was such a light in my life, and in the lives of many others. I will always be grateful for my parents and their example to me. I know that, one day, I’ll see them again, and that gives me comfort.

Tomorrow’s Memorial Day. Some of my family will be visiting cemeteries. Some, like me, will be home. It’s a day to honor fallen heroes. In a very real sense, my father was my hero, and always will be. I’m grateful for my ancestors and their sacrifices that let me be born here. And I’m grateful for all the men and women who fought and died to give me the freedom I enjoy. My life is far from perfect, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy Memorial Day.