Charlie's Blog

Remembering Dave Wolverton (David Farland)

Friday, January 28, 2022 5:56 PM

I first met Dave Wolverton in 1986. It might have been late 85 or early 87, the exact date is unclear. We were both at BYU and both worked in the Humanities Publication Center. He was kind even then.

Over the years, I've taken workshops from him, bought his books, and followed his writing tips.

As a conrunner, I've scheduled him on panels, asked him to do workshops, and chatted with him at conventions and signings. His understanding of writing was always impressive; as was his attitude at conventions. When he came to a convention as a guest, he wanted to be kept busy. He asked to be on four to six panels per day.

He taught a writing workshop at the last convention I ran in 2016. There are not enough words to express how much I appreciated his willingness to help me when he could.

When I went back to writing, he again encouraged me. It didn't matter how long it had been. He wanted to teach authors how to write enchanting stories.

I've learned so much from him over the years, as have many others. He made it his mission to teach writing, and he understood it in a way that few did.

Dave and Mary are two of my favorite people. She is as kind and supportive as Dave.

With his passing yesterday the world has lost a great writer, a great teacher, and a great man. He will be missed.