Charlie's Blog

LTUE Memories - 2022

Sunday, February 27, 2022 6:02 PM

LTUE, an annual symposium on science fiction and fantasy, was last weekend. We had a table in the dealer's room to sell books. I also had the opportunity to be on three panels—one about poetry with three amazing men.

The three panels were a lot of fun, but the best part was seeing old friends and making new ones.

It also brought back a lot of memories. I first attended LTUE in 1985, and joined the committee shortly after. For the next 30 years, I was on the committee in one capacity or another, except for 1990. For two years I was in California and came back for LTUE as a volunteer. For all the rest, I was in Utah.

In college I got to know several people who were around for the first LTUE. M. Shayne Bell chief among them. He, Mike and Rayda Reed were instrumental in the first LTUE. Dave Doering was the "cheerleader" who stood on the sidelines and encouraged everyone. He is very good at that. As a member of Quark, he talked me to join the club. And from Quark, I found TLE and LTUE. I never met Mike and Rayda, but Shayne was a good friend. I still consider him one, even though he no longer lives in Utah. Melva Gifford was there. She was around before I was and was amazing. She did several things for programming that I tried--and failed—to emulate.

Jonathan Langford was chair when I first attended LTUE, and for the next two years. He was amazing and taught me so much about literature and conrunning. There were a series of others, as chair, co-chair, and various and sundry committee positions. Some of note were Eatoughs. I think most of the kids were part of LTUE at one point or another, Many were chairs. I only chat with one of the Eatoughs now. I met Jenna when she was ten. I needed a volunteer and none were available. I was reminded that I said, "You're an Eatough. You can help!" and put her to work. She was on the committee every year after that. She worked as a volunteer, as head of the volunteers, and in 2002, she chaired LTUE during the SLC Olympics.

Other past chairs were there, too. Clorinda, Joe, Heather, Steve S., Scott. So many that came and went from BYU, but still come to LTUE. I think Jenna and I were on the committee the longest. And now, Marny. Everyone else did their time and left, coming back for the symposium but not getting involved with the committee.

Even Dave Doering disappeared for years—except for LTUE itself. He, Marny, and Joe are still involved with the committee, and I got to chat with Dave and Joe.

Others that weren't there were missed. Aleta Clegg was never a chair, but she ran the banquet for years. I'm still amazed at what she was able to accomplish, and how well she fed people. She is amazing! She was around until she moved out of state. I still see her from time to time when she can get back for a convention. And Bobbie, who was on the committee and now sells jewelry.

I've made a number of good friends over the years at LTUE. While the symposium has changed, and it's no longer at BYU, it still brings back good memories. And good friends. I loved talking with so many old friends. Several friends were vendors this year, and I had a chance to chat with them. I also made new friends with the dealers next to us. I now look forward to meeting them again next year. And to making more fond memories.